what does it mean that eigenvalues equal to zero

  1. Learn the definition of eigenvector and eigenvalue.
  2. Acquire to notice eigenvectors and eigenvalues geometrically.
  3. Larn to decide if a number is an eigenvalue of a matrix, and if so, how to observe an associated eigenvector.
  4. Recipe: find a basis for the λ -eigenspace.
  5. Pictures: whether or not a vector is an eigenvector, eigenvectors of standard matrix transformations.
  6. Theorem: the expanded invertible matrix theorem.
  7. Vocabulary word: eigenspace.
  8. Essential vocabulary words: eigenvector, eigenvalue.

In this section, we define eigenvalues and eigenvectors. These form the most important facet of the structure theory of foursquare matrices. Every bit such, eigenvalues and eigenvectors tend to play a fundamental office in the real-life applications of linear algebra.

Here is the nigh of import definition in this text.


Let A exist an n × north matrix.

  1. An eigenvector of A is a nonzero vector 5 in R n such that Av = λ five , for some scalar λ .
  2. An eigenvalue of A is a scalar λ such that the equation Av = λ v has a nontrivial solution.

If Av = λ five for 5 A = 0, we say that λ is the eigenvalue for v , and that v is an eigenvector for λ .

The German prefix "eigen" roughly translates to "self" or "ain". An eigenvector of A is a vector that is taken to a multiple of itself by the matrix transformation T ( 10 )= Ax , which perchance explains the terminology. On the other mitt, "eigen" is oft translated every bit "characteristic"; we may call back of an eigenvector as describing an intrinsic, or characteristic, property of A .

Eigenvectors are by definition nonzero. Eigenvalues may be equal to goose egg.

We do not consider the zippo vector to be an eigenvector: since A 0 = 0 = λ 0 for every scalar λ , the associated eigenvalue would be undefined.

If someone easily you a matrix A and a vector v , information technology is piece of cake to bank check if five is an eigenvector of A : but multiply five by A and see if Av is a scalar multiple of five . On the other hand, given just the matrix A , it is not obvious at all how to detect the eigenvectors. We volition learn how to do this in Department v.2.

Case (Verifying eigenvectors)

Instance (Verifying eigenvectors)

Example (An eigenvector with eigenvalue 0 )

To say that Av = λ v ways that Av and λ v are collinear with the origin. So, an eigenvector of A is a nonzero vector 5 such that Av and v prevarication on the same line through the origin. In this case, Av is a scalar multiple of v ; the eigenvalue is the scaling factor.

5 Av w Aw 0 v isaneigenvector west isnotaneigenvector

For matrices that arise as the standard matrix of a linear transformation, information technology is often all-time to depict a picture, and so find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues geometrically by studying which vectors are not moved off of their line. For a transformation that is defined geometrically, information technology is not necessary even to compute its matrix to find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues.

Example (Reflection)

Hither is an example of this. Let T : R two R two exist the linear transformation that reflects over the line Fifty divers past y = ten , and let A be the matrix for T . Nosotros will find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A without doing any computations.

This transformation is defined geometrically, so we draw a picture.

L u Au 0

The vector u is not an eigenvector, because Au is not collinear with u and the origin.

L z Az 0

The vector z is not an eigenvector either.

L v Av 0

The vector v is an eigenvector because Av is collinear with five and the origin. The vector Av has the aforementioned length as v , but the opposite direction, and so the associated eigenvalue is 1.

L w Aw 0

The vector west is an eigenvector because Aw is collinear with w and the origin: indeed, Aw is equal to west ! This ways that due west is an eigenvector with eigenvalue 1.

It appears that all eigenvectors lie either on L , or on the line perpendicular to L . The vectors on L have eigenvalue ane, and the vectors perpendicular to L have eigenvalue i.

Figure viiiAn eigenvector of A is a vector 10 such that Ax is collinear with x and the origin. Click and elevate the head of x to convince yourself that all such vectors lie either on L , or on the line perpendicular to 50 .

Nosotros volition now give five more examples of this nature

Example (Project)

Example (Identity)

Instance (Dilation)

Example (Shear)

Case (Rotation)

Here we mention 1 basic fact about eigenvectors.


Suppose that { five ane , 5 ii ,..., v k } were linearly dependent. According to the increasing span criterion in Section two.5, this means that for some j , the vector v j is in Span { v 1 , v 2 ,..., v j i } . If nosotros cull the first such j , so { v i , v 2 ,..., v j one } is linearly independent. Note that j > 1 since v 1 A = 0.

Since v j is in Bridge { v one , v ii ,..., v j one } ,, we can write

v j = c 1 v one + c 2 five ii + ··· + c j 1 5 j 1

for some scalars c i , c ii ,..., c j i . Multiplying both sides of the above equation past A gives

λ j v j = Av j = A A c 1 five i + c 2 v ii + ··· + c j 1 5 j 1 B = c one Av 1 + c 2 Av 2 + ··· + c j i Av j 1 = c ane λ ane five 1 + c 2 λ 2 five 2 + ··· + c j one λ j 1 v j 1 .

Subtracting λ j times the first equation from the second gives

0 = λ j v j λ j five j = c 1 ( λ 1 λ j ) v 1 + c 2 ( λ 2 λ j ) 5 2 + ··· + c j 1 ( λ j 1 λ j ) v j ane .

Since λ i A = λ j for i < j , this is an equation of linear dependence among five 1 , 5 two ,..., five j 1 , which is impossible considering those vectors are linearly contained. Therefore, { five 1 , v 2 ,..., v k } must have been linearly independent after all.

When k = 2, this says that if 5 i , 5 2 are eigenvectors with eigenvalues λ i A = λ 2 , then 5 ii is non a multiple of 5 1 . In fact, whatever nonzero multiple cv 1 of v 1 is as well an eigenvector with eigenvalue λ 1 :

A ( cv 1 )= cAv 1 = c ( λ 1 v 1 )= λ i ( cv i ) .

As a consequence of the above fact, we have the following.

An n × n matrix A has at most due north eigenvalues.

Suppose that A is a square matrix. Nosotros already know how to cheque if a given vector is an eigenvector of A and in that case to find the eigenvalue. Our next goal is to check if a given real number is an eigenvalue of A and in that case to find all of the corresponding eigenvectors. Once again this will be straightforward, simply more involved. The only missing slice, and so, will be to find the eigenvalues of A ; this is the principal content of Section 5.2.

Let A exist an n × due north matrix, and let λ be a scalar. The eigenvectors with eigenvalue λ , if any, are the nonzero solutions of the equation Av = λ v . We can rewrite this equation as follows:

Av = λ v ⇐⇒ Av λ 5 = 0 ⇐⇒ Av λ I due north v = 0 ⇐⇒ ( A λ I n ) five = 0.

Therefore, the eigenvectors of A with eigenvalue λ , if any, are the nontrivial solutions of the matrix equation ( A λ I n ) 5 = 0, i.e., the nonzero vectors in Nul ( A λ I n ) . If this equation has no nontrivial solutions, then λ is non an eigenvector of A .

The higher up ascertainment is of import considering it says that finding the eigenvectors for a given eigenvalue means solving a homogeneous arrangement of equations. For instance, if

A = C 713 32 3 3 ii i D ,

then an eigenvector with eigenvalue λ is a nontrivial solution of the matrix equation

C 713 32 3 3 ii 1 DC 10 y z D = λ C x y z D .

This translates to the system of equations

E vii x + y + 3 z = λ x 3 x + ii y iii z = λ y 3 x 2 y z = λ z −−−→ E ( seven λ ) x + y + 3 z = 0 three x +( 2 λ ) y 3 z = 0 three x two y +( ane λ ) z = 0.

This is the same equally the homogeneous matrix equation

C seven λ xiii 32 λ iii iii two one λ DC ten y z D = 0,

i.e., ( A λ I 3 ) v = 0.


Let A be an northward × due north matrix, and let λ exist an eigenvalue of A . The λ -eigenspace of A is the solution set of ( A λ I n ) 5 = 0, i.e., the subspace Nul ( A λ I n ) .

The λ -eigenspace is a subspace considering it is the zip space of a matrix, namely, the matrix A λ I north . This subspace consists of the aught vector and all eigenvectors of A with eigenvalue λ .

Example (Computing eigenspaces)

Example (Calculating eigenspaces)

Example (Reflection)

Recipes: Eigenspaces

Allow A be an n × n matrix and let λ be a number.

  1. λ is an eigenvalue of A if and just if ( A λ I n ) v = 0 has a nontrivial solution, if and only if Nul ( A λ I n ) A = { 0 } .
  2. In this case, finding a basis for the λ -eigenspace of A means finding a basis for Nul ( A λ I n ) , which can exist done by finding the parametric vector form of the solutions of the homogeneous system of equations ( A λ I n ) v = 0.
  3. The dimension of the λ -eigenspace of A is equal to the number of gratuitous variables in the system of equations ( A λ I northward ) five = 0, which is the number of columns of A λ I n without pivots.
  4. The eigenvectors with eigenvalue λ are the nonzero vectors in Nul ( A λ I n ) , or equivalently, the nontrivial solutions of ( A λ I north ) v = 0.

We conclude with an observation about the 0 -eigenspace of a matrix.


We know that 0 is an eigenvalue of A if and only if Nul ( A 0 I n )= Nul ( A ) is nonzero, which is equivalent to the noninvertibility of A by the invertible matrix theorem in Section 3.6. In this case, the 0 -eigenspace is by definition Nul ( A 0 I n )= Nul ( A ) .

Concretely, an eigenvector with eigenvalue 0 is a nonzero vector v such that Av = 0 v , i.e., such that Av = 0. These are exactly the nonzero vectors in the aught space of A .

We at present have ii new ways of maxim that a matrix is invertible, so we add them to the invertible matrix theorem.


Source: https://textbooks.math.gatech.edu/ila/eigenvectors.html

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