How Do You Know When to Use Ser Estar?

Short answer:

We use ser to describe:

  • Someone or something's nature or identity
  • Time and events

Nosotros employ estar to describe:

  • Someone or something's temporary state
  • Someone or something's location

Longer, more than thorough answer:

Ser or estar: to exist or… to be?

If you accept been learning Castilian for some fourth dimension, you'll know that knowing when to use ser and when to use estar tin be really challenging.

Much like the difference betwixt Castilian prepositions por and para, at first using them correctly might feel like a struggle. But the more exposure and conversation practice yous get, the more it volition go second nature to yous.

Why are these two Spanish verbs so challenging?

Both verbs ser and estar mean "to be", but in that location's more to it than that. The meaning of a sentence can change, depending on which verb you utilize.

Let me explain with an instance.

Mistakenly telling someone, for instance, that estás aburrido (you're bored) instead of eres aburrido (you're deadening) could accept socially catastrophic consequences!

Sometimes, the rules for using ser and estar can exist hard to spot. Just don't worry, I'm here to assistance.

Ser and estar in action: iv gilded rules

Now, I'chiliad non going to give you a dull, long listing of rules to memorise (I'm picturing you yawning at the very prospect!).

Instead, I'm giving y'all 4 golden rules to guide you. Follow them, and yous'll understand everything there is to know well-nigh these two catchy verbs!

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Busuu'south app offers an online Spanish course with tons of fun, interactive ways to go to grips with the Spanish verbs ser and estar.

Ser vs estar – 4 golden rules from our Spanish language expert

one. Use ser to describe someone'southward or something'south nature or identity

Ser describes your intrinsic characteristics, or your personal identity – think about every single characteristic that shapes part of who you lot are.

These characteristics include someone's:

  • Physical appearance

Utilise ser to describe what someone or something looks like, or what people are similar – i.e., their personality traits.

For example:

Carolina es una chica muy guapa y además es súper simpática.
Carolina is a very pretty girl and she's besides very nice.
  • Origin and nationality

Yous tin too apply ser to describe where you lot are from and your nationality.

For example:

Yo soy de Argentina, pero mi padre es chileno.
I am from Argentina, only my father is Chilean.
  • Occupation

A job is besides part of your identity – who you are. Your profession is the community you vest to – a lifestyle you identify with.

For example:

Soy profesora de español.
I am a Castilian instructor.

ii. Use estar to talk most about someone'due south or something'southward state

Estar describes temporary states – how y'all are feeling. It refers to something you experience, the exact opposite of your nature or identity.

Let's have a expect at this example:

Estoy muy cansado porque he trabajado todo el día sin parar.
I'm very tired because I have been working non-stop all mean solar day.

Come across: I'm describing how I'm feeling subsequently running around similar a headless chicken at work.

In this case, I'm using estar rather than ser because I'm describing my current state. I haven't got chronic fatigue – it's not office of my stock-still identity. I'm only tired considering, at this moment in fourth dimension, I'm feeling overworked.

Non certain you get the difference between using ser for identity, and estar for state?

It's a catchy one, we know. Click here to skip to our section on identity (ser) versus state (estar).

3. Utilize ser to talk about time and events

Whether y'all're asking what time information technology is, telling someone what mean solar day or the calendar month yous're in, or talking about something that is taking place, it'll exist time (see what I did at that place?!) to apply ser.

Here's an instance involving time:

Mi cumpleaños es en octubre.
My birthday is in October.

Here'southward another – this time, when someone tells someone where an issue is occurring.

For example:

El concierto es en el auditorio.
The concert is in the auditorium.

4. Use estar to talk about someone's or something'south location

When describing where someone or something is, you also employ estar.

For example:

Juan está en casa.
Juan is at habitation.

Identity (ser) vs state (estar): a closer look

Four golden rules covered. Cracking!

Now, let's talk specifics. Remember how I said that sentences tin can have completely unlike meanings, depending on whether you use ser or estar?

Well, this is particularly true when it comes to expressing someone or something'southward identity, versus someone or something's temporary state.

Here are iii examples of scenarios where, if you lot pick the wrong verb, things tin go lost in translation.

1. Ser aburrido (to exist dull) vs. estar aburrido (to be bored)

In the ser instance, you're describing someone's personality. Endeavour not to take it personally, Alberto!

Alberto es aburrido.
Alberto is boring.

Meanwhile in the estar example, yous're talking about Alberto's mood – how he is feeling at a specific moment in fourth dimension.

Alberto está aburrido.
Alberto is bored.

ii. Ser listo (to be clever) vs. Estar listo (to be ready)

Here, you lot are saying that Alicia is an intelligent person. Her intelligence is office of her identity.

Alicia es muy lista.
Alicia is very clever.

Only information technology's a different story with the verb estar. In this instance, you lot're describing Alicia's state.

Alicia está lista.
Alicia is ready.

3. Ser guapo (to exist good looking) vs. estar guapo (to look good)

Using the verb ser here might brand you lot chroma – yous're being told that you're an attractive human being beingness. That's not something you lot tin change – in the words of Lady Gaga, yous're born this way!

¡Qué guapo eres!
You lot are very skilful looking!

Using the verb estar here is however cause for you to blush – but the compliment is more than specific to the moment. Here, you're being told that you look peculiarly good in the shirt you lot're wearing.

¡Qué guapo estás con esa camisa!
You look so proficient in that shirt!

To sum up

Information technology sounds quite straightforward, right? In truth, one time you've got your head around everything in this post, it really is!

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